
Showing posts from December, 2020

Air and Angels: A Commentary

  Air and Angels Air and Angels is a difficult poem. It is true that the poem is about man and woman relationship, yet images and language used by the poet is only remotely related to man and woman relationship. The difficulty starts with the title of the poem. Both air and angel stand for something more involved and baffling especially when we try to relate them with the substance of the poem. From the context it appears that one of them stands for male and the other stands for female; who stands for who is not very clear. Structurally the poem is more like a monologue as only of the character speaks, but it is different from a monologue as the narrator is talking to the other character in the poem who is a silent listener. Only thing clear is that one of them is purer as compared to the other. Let us see the text of the poem first, and afterwards we will try to understand this poem. The poem starts with the narrator stating that he loved his beloved two or three times before...

Kinds of Conjunctions:Worksheets for Students and Teachers

Kinds of Conjunctions:Worksheets for Students and Teachers Conjunctions are joining words: they may join words, phrases, clauses and sentences. We have to use them when we speak or write. No doubt, when we read something or listen someone speaking, we come across many conjunctions. So they are important parts of speech, students should know them so that they can use them when they produce their own language. Common practice in our country is that we never teach these parts of speech in depth. The most obvious outcome is that our students suffer in their academic life as well as their career. Given below are four test worksheets which should be used after you have taught the concept of conjunction in depth. These test worksheets will make these conjunctions stick in the minds of students. This sticking is important because things which stick in our mind remain saved in our memory for longer periods of time. Moreover, when students work on these tests after the concept has been taught in...

Kinds of Adverbs: Worksheets

Adverbs are important words. They give extra depth to language, especially written language. Generally, when teacher teach these concepts, they do not have ready to use tests wherewith they could assess how well their students have gasped the new concepts. So, here are four ready to use tests on adverbs. I hope that they will be great support for teachers and students. For more tests of this kind, you can see other posts on this blog page.  

Fantastic and Hyperbolic in John Donne

 The Sun Rising by John Donne Pleasure is the chief end of all great literature. If a piece of literature fails to please, it is never a great literature. Among all the classics, Donne is one such writer who never fails to please his readers through his poetry. On the surface, the fountain-house of pleasure is love of fantastic and hyperbolic, but on unearthing deep in the mines of his intellect, his readers discover that it is self-knowledge and ‘proper study of man’ which pleases like nothing. All good literature describes life, but only great literature fashions life. On studying Donne’s poetry, people come to imagine how they should love and hate, how they should treat their mistresses and wives, how they should rejoice and mourn, how they should love temporary and eternal—what status should have earthly and divine in human scheme of things. The Sun Rising is one of the many powerful love poems which came out of Donne’s mind. In this poem, the poet sums up his reactions whe...

College Level Vocabulary: Worksheets@resource for teachers and students

 College Level Vocabulary: Worksheets/9/12/2020  Worksheet # 1 Sr. Word Class Meaning Synonyms 1 Swirls Noun لہریں Waves 2 Automatically Adverb مشینی انداز میں Mechanically 3 Rumination Noun سوچ بچار Meditation 4 Unconcern Noun لاپرواہی Carelessness 5 Tramp Adjective   آوارہ Wanderer 6 Gruff Adjective   کھردری Brusque 7 Agony    Noun   تکلیف Pain 8 Resolute Adjective   مضبوط Firm 9 Heave Verb پھیکنا Throw 10 Ooze Noun گ...